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Sunday, 14 October 2007

Giant Step for Malaysia

IT'S the wee hours of morning on the second day of Aidilfitri today. The night is so unusually quiet (probably because of the rain all day yesterday) that I couldn't resist taking advantage of the stillness and serenity of the morning to stop and pen down some of my personal thoughts.
Since most of my friends and bloggers have been talking about our latest Malaysian hero Dr Sheik Muzzaphar Shukor, I thought I'd type some of my feelings about this whole angkasawan (astronaut) thingy that seems to have taken our country by storm recently.
Last Wednesday, October 10, saw me rushing home from an afternoon appointment too, so that I can catch the live transmission of the Soyuz spaceship historic first launch of a Malaysian into space.

I have to confess that I watched the event only because a Malaysian was going to be in it.
Come to think about it, I wouldn't have bothered if it was merely a Russian or an American being catapulted off into space.

Well, I might have. However, certainly not rushing through traffic earlier to definitely make it a date with my TV.

The second reason (nope, come-to-think-about-it-now, the first, actually) is because it is part of my job helming my second column in The Star on Sundays called Air Raves.

I was curious to see how our radio stations were going to handle a scientific event such as this for the first time. Also the fact that it is so close to our hearts because a Malaysian was involved.

Well, the radio thingy turned out to be a huge letdown for those of you who can't wait for Sunday next week to find out in my column.
But that is as far as I will go. I can't say anymore. You will just have to catch a copy of Starmag to find out guys. Sorry!

But I can comment something about how our TV stations covered it.

I thought that Astro's Channel 588 which is carrying the space travel and mission features even now until Dr Sheik touches down on earth on Sunday, October 21 apparently at 11pm Malaysian time.

The strong feedback sound that was heard when our VVIPs spoke to each other from Kazakhstan and the KLCC Centre was bad and unprofessional.
You don't see such things happening in overseas events help by other broadcasters.

So Astro must surely take the brickbats here.

My other point is that it was a pity that the show wasn't interactive with viewers. That would've made it more interesting.

I hope that the VVIPs don't take this too hard but they can be really boring when they are on for too long. It would've been better if Astro had a good anchor to talk to viewers at home and include them in on the act.

Mahadhir Lokman was good but he appeared nervous at times. I don't blame him. He seemed to have a greater task than Dr Sheik for that moment it seemed trying to coordinate things from Kazakhstan and Malaysia.
And not to forget, having the Prime Minister sitting next to you!

And now, and very quickly, back to Dr Sheik.

First of all, did you know that he's 35 years old, an orthopaedic surgeon and a part-time model?

The latter explains his raw good looks. I'm really happy for the good doctor and that Malaysia has found a good role model for space in the country.
I can just picture him walking into classrooms and our kids beaming with joy. Pop stars, yes, world beauties, done that before, but now our very own angkasawan!

However, I must admit that I'm not too sure about the millions of taxpayers money that it cost to put him in space though. And certainly, not too enthusiastic about sending a second wannabe Malaysian cosmonaut in his footsteps.

Many of my disabled chums are not so interested with the exploits of Dr Sheik and the ISS space station. I really don't blame their lack of concern.

I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Malaysians with disabilities are still left to struggle with basic issues such as employment, education, healthcare and leading a high quality of life.

Most of the time, it isn't our handicaps which cripple us but it's society's lack of providing faclities to enhance our way of living that keeps us down in the doldrums of life.
For many of us, we don't want to be angkasawans. Just to be able to hold simple jobs, be able to go out like others to the local cinema or store, etc, is good enough.

Perhaps one can even call it "righteous jealousy", if you like.

Well, let's at least hope for this. That when Dr Sheik returns, he will be much more dedicated about helping his patients than he ever was.
And in particularly, using his newfound stardom and influence to make things right for many of his orthopaedic patients.

That can include finding finances for the poor who can't afford treatment to advocating for disabled people for their disabled rights.
In the meantime, let's all wish the good doctor all the best as he stays in the Russian space-station for now. Then again, he probably is on his way back now as I write this.
Let's not forget that it took a lot of guts to get out there too.

Well done Dr Sheik. We're proud of you!

aNthoNy thaNasayaN

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Haven't been writing a while

HI everybody. I just realised that I hadn't written anything in this blog in a while since I last wrote about the passing away of a good friend of mine - and the disabled's - Datuk Dr Sam Abraham.

Well, after that shot of really bad news I've been trying very hard to keep my spirits up. At about the time of Sam's passing, I also came across some disturbing news about another elderly friend being admitted in hospital over an illness.

This time it was Rev Peter Young, whom I know for many years. But what a joy it was to hear that he came out of the hospital two days ago - even though he has a few follow up tests to do.

I visited my good friend Gopal, 74, and his dog recently in Shah Alam. Their visitor wasn't only me but also my three other darling service dogs, plus a Shetland sheepdog, my best buddy's pet.

I'm not going to tell you what happened at Gopal's because it will all be coming out in Wheel Power in a couple of weeks time, I imagine.

I've been busy taking care of my wounds. I'm pleased to say that from four sores, I now have only one of them which Andrew is dressing daily for me.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for me. I have a Petpositive meeting to attend to in the afternoon and in the evening, it's going to be by my TV set and radio watching and listening the historic moment when our first Malaysian blasts off in space.

I hope to have something special for my readers of Air Raves to read on Sunday week. By the way, there is no Star newspaper this Sunday, which should be the second day of Aidilfitri.

So for those looking out for Starmag, please note.

Righto, I've got to go. Catch up with you all again soon.


Wednesday, 3 October 2007

So long Sam: Passing away of a much-loved paediatrician

Sam at Petpositive's Launch in July (c) Oct 07

UPDATED @ 7.20pm on Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Always helping and trying to make a difference

I was saddened by the news yesterday afternoon of the passing away of a giant. Well-known national paediatrician Datuk Dr Sam Abraham, 78, who was in a coma breathed his last on Tuesday, October 2, 2007.

It was TraxxFM's broadcaster Pei Lee who first broke the news to me in an SMS message.

She wrote: "Dr Sam has passed away :( "

Her message came in at 6.46pm.

It was also she who told me a couple of days ago that Sam was in a critical state in the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

I later discovered from another friend that Sam had been in the cancer ward for more than a week, at least, after he was diagnosed with leukemia.

All this was naturally, too shocking for me.

It certainly must've been incredulous to all of Sam's friends too.

Run down
I last saw the good doctor three months ago at Petpositive's Charity Dinner and launching night at the Legend Hotel in KL on July 2007. (See picture above)

I recall noticing that Sam did look a little run down physically. But that was not the right place to ask him about it.

Sam had been helping me during the final days to help sell some of our tables. He managed to sell at least one table worth RM3000 and bought at least six RM300 tickets.

Five of them were sponsored by him to learning disabled persons and their helpers whilst the last one was for himself.

On the night of the dinner, he didn't just attend. He was spotted in various places trying to help out.

That's just the kind of man that he was - always helping around and trying to make a difference.

He also decided to invite himself into our VIP room - something I'm glad he did because he personally knew more than half of our guests than we did!

This turned out to be a huge blessing for all of us when it came to entertaining them.

Bigger VIP
It was clear that we had an even bigger VIP in our room!

I was told by one of our committee members that Sam had remarked that he was surprised at the key people who were present at our dinner do.

He quipped that a number of the big-shots were his personal friends and that he was really impressed to know that I "certainly had very good connnections."

Other than briefly chatting with Sam during the dinner, I never got to speak to him again. Not that I never tried.

I called him once or twice but either got his voice message on his mobile or he never answered his phone.

"Sam will do"
I first met Sam in the Selangor Cheshire Home in Selayang Baru during the early 1980s. He and I were doing voluntary work with the residents there.

I was teaching music and swimming lessons for the disabled community there whilst he was a regular doctor who provided free medical service for them.

Anyone who knows Sam Abraham knows what an incredibly humble man he is. He never wanted me to call him doctor "but just Sam will do" was what he told me almost 30 years ago.

That strictly has been his policy up until yesterday - even when he got his Datukship later. I don't recall exactly when.

During my stint at the Cheshire Home, I organised a unique Xmas carolling group of disabled and non disabled persons. One of our stopovers was at Sam's house in Damansara on a couple of Christmasses.

At each party, he was always the star of the evening. He made everyone feel welcomed and good about themselves.

But we parted ways when I stopped volunteering with the disabled home.

I got in touch with Sam again in 1989. I was looking for funds to go for an exposure trip to the United States. Sam, through his influence had helped me get a great discount from Malaysian Airlines.

I forget how much it was exactly now but it was something like RM500 for a round trip to Los Angeles and back.

Believer in inherent abilities of others
He and his wife Dulcie also made a visit to my house with their contribution to my trip. I was very touched by their kind gesture.

I was practically a nobody then. No columns in the newspaper, no society president head. This makes what he did for me then more meaningful.

He was obviously a believer in everyone's inherent abilities. He made good things happen.

My next encounter with Sam was to get his help to see a stomach specialist regarding my physical health. Through his intervention, I was able to get to see a top specialist in a private hospital free of charge.

I had told Sam earlier that I wouldn't be able to pay for the specialist's fees. He simply smiled and said: "Don't worry about it."

Sam and I got together again with his work as one of the Directors of Dignity and Services, an organisation that advocates for people with learning disabilities.

Added blessing
Sam and I used to share a lot of ideas and views together on how disabled people were treated - or rather - mistreated, at times, in our country.

More recently, he was thrilled when I got Petpositive formed. And looking back now, I am glad that he turned up on our big launching night and watched us in all our glory.

His presence was an added blessing to our proud occasion.

I recall picking him out from the floor when I was on stage with my speech. He was beaming from ear to ear.

That mental picture spoke volumes: he was in full support of everything I did. And that meant a lot.

By the way, Sam was also our invited guest when Bivai Special Dogs was formed in 2001. That launching was held at the home of the late Mr HRM Storey (the former political secretary of General Templer) in Jalan Gurney in KL.

My good friend Marina Mahathir was our honoured VIP to launch that auspicioius event.

Incidentally, Sam - known to Marina as Uncle Sam - was also her daughter's paediatrician, she told me last night.

We were SMSing each other only a few hours ago, chatting sadly about the loss of our dear Sam.

I forgot to mention that I have a photograph hidden somewhere of Sam pushing my wheelchair in St Mary's Cathedral a few years ago. The event was when Anglican head Archbishop Dr George Carey had paid a visit to Malaysia.

When I find it, I'll scan it and put it up here in this very blog.

I hear that a wake is being held at St Mary's Cathedral tonight at 7.30pm for the much-loved paediatrician.

I regret that I'm unable to attend the occasion because of my poor health.

Sam's funeral is scheduled for noon tomorrow, Thursday, October 4, also at St Mary's.

St Mary's Cathedral is Sam's church where he once very proudly introduced me to their wheelchair-friendly toilets and their parking slots for drivers with disabilities.

St Mary also has an active blind community worshipping within its walls each week. Many of these members, I understand, are specially invited each Christmas to the home of the Abrahams.

Phone pal
Sam was my regular phone pal. He'd call me every once in a while to keep in touch or to say what a great article he thought I had written.

Once he suddenly even popped by at my house unannounced. It was a delightful surprise. He said that he had been trying me but couldn't get me for a while and so decided to drop by to see if I was okay.

Now, how many friends care to do that these days?

I will miss you my friend. So long Sam - till we meet again.

aNthoNy thaNasayaN

Sign off: 3.30am

Why I Am In A Wheelchair By aNt in Bahasa Malaysia

Why I Am In A Wheelchair By aNt in Bahasa Malaysia
Mastika January 2008 Pg 106. Get It At Newsstands Now!

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