After three straight hours of non-stop work with a witch's broom and stick and one of those thingamajig that scoops up the unwanted dust and rubbish bits when you sweep them into it, the job's finally done.
The good news: there wasn't any of those creepy crawlies that I had imagined that had been delightfully squatting in those rubbish piles of paper that I've been meaning to get rid for weeks (er, I mean, months!).
The bad news: No matter how positive I sound, today was only phase one or my rather large room for one person, actually. The cleaner guy has promised to drop by next week to do the second half of my room.
By the by (a favourite expression my dearly departed grandfather used to use and which I use now also), whilst cleaning my room, I couldn't help paying attention to the uprising that was taking place in Burma this afternoon.

In all that dust and dirt, I managed to switch channels from BBC World to CNN just to try and get the latest on what was happening there.
By the time Mr Cleaner and I were through with our Phase One project, the sad and shocking news broke out that the military junta had beaten up and abducted scores of monks.
I can't imagine living in a country under martial law. (Picture from BBC Online)
Needless to say, things like these really make you appreciate living in Malaysia where I certainly hope that I will never see such a thing happening in a beautiful country like ours.
Speaking of Malaysia, I was disappointed that the protest march by more than 1000 lawyers at Putrajaya asking for a royal inquiry (gosh, is that with an "I" or "E" now?) got very little mention on our electronic media.
The Star followed it diligently though via its SMS News Alert service.
TV3 carried a brief report of it at 1.30pm. Bernama's Radio24 hardly mentioned it at the times I listened until I got fed up tuning in.
Anyway, on another and final note, I was pleased to hear that my good friend Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir's dad is finally off the ventilator today. According to her blog, the doctors at IJN removed it at 2.30pm today.
And as I write this, her dad should be having some ice-cream right about now.
Poor Marina and her family. It must be indeed very stressful for all of them at this time, having their loved one go through two operations in such a short space of time.
I decided to check on her blog instead of SMSing her because I don't want her to bother replying all her SMSes. I know how tedious that can become. So I figured that the best thing that I can do is to check her blog every now and then to see how Dr M is faring.
For those of you interested to do the same, Marina's blogspot is as follows:
aNt signing off at: 8.28pm.